Try These Maths Riddles Out on Your Kids!

Do you remember enjoying maths riddles when you were at school? Maybe you still enjoy them now! Maths riddles are great for kids because they help to stretch their problem-solving skills and can be enjoyed by the whole family. Here are a few of our favourites.

1. You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?

2. A man has a bee in his hand. What’s in his eye?

3. If it takes a man 5 hours to dig a hole 4 feet deep and 6 hours to dig a hole 5 feet deep, how long will it take him to dig a hole 3 feet deep?

4. A man has 30 cows. All but 19 die. How many does he have left?

5. There are three boxes, one contains only apples, one contains only oranges, and one contains both apples and oranges. The boxes have been incorrectly labeled so that none of the labels match the actual contents of the box. How can you label the boxes correctly?

How can you label the boxes correctly?

1. Everyone was at church!

2. A man has two bees in his eyes! (He’s blinking)

3. It will take him 3 hours to dig the third hole. (5 hours for the first hole minus 2 hours for the second hole equals 3 hours)

4. The man has 10 cows left. (30 cows minus 20 cows equals 10 cows)

5. Check out the video below for an explanation!

We hope you enjoyed these maths riddles! If you liked them, be sure to check out our other blog posts for more fun family activities or subscribe to our newsletter for more updates straight to your inbox!

Fun math riddles for kids

Math riddles are a great way to get kids interested in math. They’re also a great way to challenge kids and help them think critically. Here are some fun math riddles for kids that they’re sure to love.

1. What is halfway between 1 and 9?

2. If I have 7 apples in one hand and 10 oranges in the other, what do I have?

3. I am 6 feet tall. I cast a 10-foot shadow. How long is my shadow?

4. A man has $20. He spends $5 on a new shirt. How much money does he have now?

5. A woman has 4 children. Two of them are girls. What are the odds that the other two are also girls?

6. If it takes a plane 24 hours to fly from New York to Los Angeles, how long would it take to fly from Los Angeles to New York?

7. If a train leaves New York at 3:00 pm and travels at 500 miles per hour, what time will it reach Los Angeles?

8. How many seconds are in a day?

9. What is the square root of 64?

10. A man has 30 cows. He sells 28 of them. How many cows does he have left?

11. I am an even number less than 100. The sum of my digits is 9. What number am I?

12. A woman has 15 chickens and 3 roosters. How many legs are there in total?

13. Myuntsaheem has 5 brothers and sisters combined .if each brother has 2 sister then how many sister does myuntsaheem have ?

14  There are ten dogs in a field .if you take away 2 then how many will be remaining ?

15 .A man walks into a bar and orders a drink .he then leaves the bar ,but returns to the bar and orders another drink .he then leaves the bar again ,but this time he doesn’t return .how many drinks did the man consume in total ?

16 .A boy goes into a grocery store and buys 4 candy bars for $1 each .how much money did the boy spend in total ?

These fun math riddles for kids are sure to get them thinking critically and having fun at the same time!