All You Need to Know About the Rules of Pickleball

Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. The game is played on a court with a net and paddles, and the object of the game is to hit the ball over the net and into your opponent’s half of the court. The first player or team to score 11 points wins the game. Here is a brief overview of the pickleball rules.
The Basics of Pickleball

Pickleball is typically played as doubles, although singles can be played as well. The game is played on a court that measures 20′ x 44′. The net is suspended 3’6″ above the ground in the middle of the court, and it should be hung so that the center of the net is at 34″ from either baseline. Pickleball is played with paddles, which are similar to table tennis paddles but are larger and have no ridges or raised edges. The ball used in pickleball is similar to a Wiffle Ball and is perforated with 26 small holes.

Scoring in Pickleball

Points can only be scored by the serving side, and a point is scored when:
-The ball hits the ground in your opponent’s half of the court
-Your opponent hits the ball out of bounds
-Your opponent hits the ball into their own non-volley zone
-Your opponent double-hits the ball
-Your opponent obstructs you from hitting the ball
A player or team serves from behind their baseline and must alternate serves after every 2 points. If either player or team reaches 11 points, they win the game. If both players or teams are tied at 10 points apiece, then play continues until one player or team has a 2 point lead (e.g., 13-11). The first player or team to win 2 games out of 3 wins the match.
legal serve in pickleball must be hit underhanded and travel diagonally across the net into your opponent’s service box.

Your paddle must not touch any part ofthe net during your serve; doing so results in a fault. A player has 2 chances (or “faults”) to complete a legal serve before losing control of their serve. After each misserve, play for kids begins again with another serve from the same player.

Once you lose your serve, play continues until one player or team has reached 11 points and won 2 out of 3 games overall. serving formation in pickleball MUST stand diagonally opposite their partner behind their respective baselines when serving; you may notstand directly behind or beside your partner like in tennis. When returning service, both partners should remain on their baseline until afterthe ball has been hit; they may then move anywhere they choose on their sideof the court.”,


Whether you’re looking for a new sport to try or just want to enjoy some friendly competition, pickleball can be a lot of fun! Now that you know all about how to play pickleball, grab some friends and head to your nearest court!
